Benefits of Hexagonal Architecture
Improved Testability
With the core logic decoupled from external components, testing can be more focused, easier to perform, and more comprehensive. Mocks or stubs can replace external services.
Flexibility in Development
Developers can work on different parts of the system simultaneously without stepping on each other's toes. For instance, one team can work on the database interactions while another focuses on the business logic.
Ease of Maintenance and Scalability
Updating external services or databases does not require changes to the business logic, as long as the port interfaces remain consistent.
Enhanced Portability
The application can be easily adapted to different environments or technologies, promoting longevity and reducing tech-debt.
Facilitates Domain-Driven Design
Aligning closely with DDD principles, it encourages rich domain models that are at the core of the application, surrounded by adapters that translate to and from the domain.