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Table Design


pkstringjohn.doe@example.comPartition Key: The borrower's email address
skstringLOAN_APPLICATION#2dd0ce10-4d28-4275-af31-b2e5edc7430a#TIMESTAMP#2024-03-15T00:00:00.000ZSort Key: The entity type ('LOAN_APPLICATION'), loanApplicationId and timestamp separated by '#'
loanApplicationStatusstring'APPROVED'The borrower's employment status. One of 'APPROVED', 'REJECTED', 'REVIEW'
creditScorenumber700Borrower's credit score. This is a number between 0 and 1000
grossAnnualIncomenumber40000The borrower's gross annual income. This is a number >= 0
monthlyExpensesnumber1560The borrower's monthly expenses. This is a number >= 0
employmentStatusstring'FULL_TIME'The borrower's employment status. One of 'FULL_TIME', 'PART_TIME', 'CASUAL', 'SELF_EMPLOYED'
loanApplicationIdstring'2dd0ce10-4d28-4275-af31-b2e5edc7430a'A randomly generated V4 UUID
timestampstring'2024-03-15T00:00:00.000Z`The time of the loan application. This is an ISO8061 date and time in UTC.

Borrower Profile - Table Design