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Calculate Borrower's Borrowing Capacity

Calculating Borrowing Capacity

  1. User requests a borrowing capacity calculation through the client application.
  2. The request hits the primary adaptor: api-gw-calculate-borrowing-power.
  3. The primary adaptor passes the request to the calculate-borrowing-capacity use case in the domain layer.
  4. The calculate-borrowing-capacity use case interacts with the ddb-get-borrower-profile secondary adapter to retrieve borrower profile from DynamoDB.
  5. The calculate-borrowing-capacity use case calculates the borrowing capacity and uses a secondary adaptor ddb-put-borrowing-capacity-calculation to persist the borrowing capacity calculation to DynamoDB.
  6. The estimated borrowing capacity is returned to the user through the primary adaptor.

How Is Borrowing Capacity Calculated?

Borrowing capacity is calculated in three steps:

  1. Calculate the borrower's Base Borrowing Capacity (BBC)
  2. Adjust BBC according to Employment Status
  3. Adjust the Employment Adjusted Borrowing Capacity based on borrower's age
  4. Return the final Borrowing Capacity

calculate-borrowing-capacity Use Case


Borrowing Capacity Calculated (200)

Borrowing Capacity Calculation Could Not Be Created (500)

There are various potential causes for this:

  • DynamoDB Service Outage
  • Lambda Service Outage
  • Insufficient Permissions (Calculate Borrowing Capacity Use Case)

Borrower Profile Could Not Be Retrieved (500)

There are various potential causes for this:

  • DynamoDB Service Outage
  • Lambda Service Outage
  • Insufficient Permissions (Calculate Borrowing Capacity Use Case)

Borrower Does Not Exist (400)